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Community meeting to stop mining

Mining activities will be undertaken over a period of two years.

Further mining activities has residents in Jackaroo Park, Blanchville and Die Heuwel up in arms.

Very Quick Mining has applied to mine Portion RE of the Farm Kromdraai 292 JS or better known as the land next to Deborah Street in Jacaroo Park.

Mining activities will be undertaken over a period of two years.

This project will entail an open cast method of excavation.

The mine design will be developed according to the dimension of the coal deposit within the project area, but overall mining activities will be limited to an area of 5ha as per mining permit requirements.

“This mean that everybody living in Jacaroo Park, Blancheville, Die Heuwel, Riverview, Zeekoei Plots, Kromdraai and the surrounding areas will be affected and some will be between two mines,” said Mr Whitey Zwart from the Blanchville Neighbourhood Watch.

On Tuesday, May 28 a community meeting will be held at Laerskool Panorama in Gordon Road.

The meeting will start at 18:30.

Environmental lawyer Adam Gunn will address the community and on the way forward.

Zwart is appealing to all interested parties to attend the meeting and make their voices heard.

For more information contact Zwart on 082 459 9030.

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