
Be on alert when on the N4

They told her to open the car and as she refused, they broke her window and allegedly took her bag with clothes, two cell phones and R1 500 cash.

Individuals on the National Road N4 are being targeted at all times. If it’s not hitchhikers, its helpless people.

A woman was driving on the N4 Pretoria direction when her car broke down on Friday morning, May 3.

Three males in quantum allegedly stopped by her to ask if she is okay. After responding that she is okay, they left and came back after some time and they were four in total.

They told her to open the car and as she refused, they broke her window and allegedly took her bag with clothes, two cell phones and R1 500 cash.

In another incident, a man was hitchhiking to Belfast on the N4 when a maroon Renault Clio with three occupants offered him a lift on Sunday evening, May 5.

While they drove with him, they wanted him to pay R200 for the lift.

They took out a firearm and began searching him. The suspects took all his belongings and dropped him next to the road.

Not only the N4 is targeted but also the local roads within eMalahleni.

On Thursday, May 2, two suspects driving a black VW Polo with no registration plates, robbed a man of his belongings when he parked his car next to a road to inspect it.

The man told the police that he would be able to identify the suspects again.


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