Robbers turns house upside down

It is believed that when the robbers took off, his house was a wreck.

To be woken up by three armed men in the early hours will shock any resident to his or her core.

In a house robbery that took place on March 1, a resident that lives in Tasbet Park was rudely woken up with a firearm pointed in her direction.

It is alleged that three robbers got access to the house at about 01:30 when the owner suddenly woke up; they pointed him with a firearm and demanded him to lay still while they went through his house wanting all his valuables.

It is believed that when the robbers took off, his house was a wreck.

“Everything was out of place and glasses were laying shattered everywhere. They took my television, kitchen appliances and all my valuable items,” he added.

No arrests were made but the police is still investigating the matter.

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