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Sinkhole man tells of ordeal

The sinkhole is not even 100m from the house that he stays in since 1991

“Please make sure that the burning underground mines are rehabilitated. If a child fell in the hole I fell in, that child would have died.”

This is the plea of Mr Ben Coetzee who fell in a burning sinkhole in Jackaroo Park on Sunday, August 26.

The sinkhole is not even 100m from the house that he stays in since 1991.

Coetzee was in good spirit on Tuesday, September 4, during an interview with WITBANK NEWS.
He undergoes physiotherapy and occupational therapy every day at Impungwe Hospital.

“It is terribly sore each time they clean my wounds. But the personnel here are so helpful and tries to make each treatment easier for me to handle,” he said.

Coetzee said he started off that fateful Sunday with a 30km bicycle ride. Afterwards the conditions were good for flying kites. He and a friend, Mr Mario Victor, were playing around with the kites much to the children in the area’s delight.


Man seriously burned after falling in sinkhole

Sinkhole nearly swallows man

Victor was standing on top of a heap of discarded coal as the wind was a bit stronger there and gave the kites significant lifts.

“As I made my way up to Mario, the ground suddenly gave way underneath me. It happened so quickly. I pushed myself out of the hole and rolled away. I can’t remember when I felt my legs were burning. I was engulfed in one wave of pain after the other.”

Mr Ben Coetzee is taking one day at a time.

Coetzee was rushed to Witbank Hospital and later transferred to Impungwe Hospital.
He sustained partial thickness burn wounds.

The Hero Burn Foundation came onboard and realised that Coetzee will need specialised treatment.

“This specialised treatment can be very costly and can range anything from R350 000 to R500 000. Money that Ben and his family definitely don’t have,” said Annerie du Plooy from Hero Burn Foundation.

“We appeal to the general public and our friends to open up your hearts and to please help raise money for Ben’s treatment,” Du Plooy said.

Donations towards Coetzee’s medical costs can be made directly to Hero Burn Foundation

Nedbank Branch: 198765
Nedbank Acc Nr: 1047234327
Reference: #HeroBen
Please send proof of payment to: info@heroburn.org
A Section 18(A) Tax Exemption Certificate is available to businesses and individuals. You can request the certificate by emailing info@heroburn.org.

Since then it’s been a rollercoaster ride.

We are in desperate need of funding – As a family we feel that he needs specialised treatment at a hospital with a proper burn-unit.

Prayers Needed for this brave Hero or ours! #PrayersNeeded #HBF

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