Big blow after second burglary at school

Bonginsimbi Secondary School was hit were it hurts most, a break-in at the school.

Bonginsimbi Secondary School was hit were it hurts most, a break-in at the school.

Two steel pillars were removed to gain entry into the school administration block.

This is the second break-in at the school in two months.

The first, on May 9, were thieves took away tools worth R51 000. This time on Tuesday, June 13 in the early hours of the morning they took 21 laptop computers, three flat screen televisions, three projectors and one big angle grinder.

The steel burglar bars were also broken to access some of the stolen items at Bonginsimbi Secondary School

The thieves gained entry after breaking a steel fence and window burglar bars and then used a grinder to open the strong room steel door.

School principal Mrs Beauty Mncina appeals to community members to guard schools as the break-in will affect them badly. The school is very concerned about the break-ins as the computers and tools stolen were sponsored and apparently the sponsors are thinking of pulling out because of the burglary.

A grinder was used to open the steel strong room door of the school.

This is a set back not only to the school but to the community as a whole because centres of education are pillars of the society.

A reward for the successful apprehension and conviction of the suspects will be offered.
Police are investigating the case.


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