
Father on his way to recovery after gas explosion

The horror that was a Sunday lunch, has become a story of hope for the Van Rooyen family.

Mr Josef van Rooyen chances have improved greatly and he looks to be well on his way to recovery.

Van Rooyen was admitted to Witbank Hospital on March 26 when the gas cylinder he was cooking on exploded scorching his skin and burning his lungs.

On April 3 Van Rooyen was transferred from the ICU in Witbank Hospital to Ward 6 where he remains under the care of the doctors and nursing staff.

Having undergone three dressing changes to date, Van Rooyen remains in a lot of pain as he suffered numerous first and second degree burns.

“I visited him on Monday and helped with the changing of his dressing, he is doing well, thank goodness,” said his wife Hannelie.

Van Rooyen is expected to remain in hospital for quite some time as he has a long way to go before discharge but there is hope in that his recovery is a positive one.

“We took the bottles to a gas company to be taken to Johannesburg for testing, we are still waiting to hear from them regarding the results,” said his wife.

The horror that was a Sunday lunch, has become a story of hope for the Van Rooyen family as the 50/50 chance at Van Rooyens survival has taken a positive turn with fortune smiling on the family, thanks to the staff and doctors of Witbank Hospital.

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