Less hospitality and more hostility from business robbers

Even though there was a security guard on duty they overpowered him and locked the receptionist and the guard up in one of the rooms while the robbers allegedly cleared out the other rooms.

A business was robbed by an alleged man and woman duo pretending to rent a room. The two suspects apparently booked a room at a bed and breakfast in French street for a few hours.

Late on December 9, at about 22:00 before they were scheduled to book out the receptionist was called to the front desk but instead found them carrying guns instead of luggage. In total it was reported that there were three armed men and the woman.

Even though there was a security guard on duty they overpowered him and locked the receptionist and the guard up in one of the rooms while the robbers allegedly cleared out the other rooms. They also apparently tied them up.

After a while the victims managed to free themselves from their bonds.

“It was quiet and raining outside and we could see they left through the window,” said the employee.

They broke the door of the room down that they were locked in but found that many valuables had already been stolen from the rooms and immediately called the police. The SAPS attended the scene and a case of business robbery was opened.

The damage done by the robbers while stealing from a guest house on December 9.

Apparently according to the victims another guest house in the area was also robbed recently.

“We are all right now,” said the employee grateful that they were not harmed.

The SAPS have increased their visual patrols this December and take the crime of business robberies very seriously.

To report a crime contact the Witbank SAPS community service centre (CSC) on 013 565 5012 or crime line on 0800 11 12 13

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