
Titan is recovering well after being poisoned

“I then knew something was wrong as he was laying there in pain with blood in some parts of his body."

Of late house breaking and theft cases reported at the Witbank Police Station comprises of dogs being poisoned. On September 13 a dog named Titan was yet another victim.

The ordeal happened at Cleopatra Street at Die Heuwel Extension 1. Mr Michael Mckay woke up at 02:00 after he heard dogs bark. A couple of hours later when he was on his way to work, he did not see Titan like he normally does in the mornings.

When he went behind the house he saw him spitting blood.

“I then knew something was wrong as he was laying there in pain with blood in some parts of his body. I went over to my neighbour’s house to hear if he noticed anything odd in his yard. The man told me two of his dogs were also poisoned,” said Mckay.

Titan lies in pain after being poisoned in the early hours of September 13 at his home in Die Heuwel, Extension 1.

After having a quick chat with his neighbour, the man rushed Titan to the Klipfontein Veterinary Clinic around 06:00. Dr Dawie Havelaar attended to Titan and immediately put a drip on him.

“He is still at the clinic fighting for his life,” said Mckay.

The man has no doubt Dr Havelaar will do his upmost best to help Titan to be his old self again.
Mckay thanks the staff of the clinic who were very quick in assisting him when he brought Titan early in the morning.

“A big thank you to the clinic’s assistant who took Titan immediately and started to work on him stating that he would try to do his best to save his life. Dr Havelaar is also a superstar for always doing his upmost best in helping the community in times of need,” said a grateful Mckay.

Luckily nothing was stolen in the yard or in the house.

“Security companies and people in general must be vigilant. This is getting out of hand,” mentioned Mckay.

Jessie in recovery from poisoning
Dogs poisoned, thieves run away with a motorbike

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