Dogs poisoned, thieves run away with a motorbike

Three Jack Russell’s were poisoned in the early hours of August 15 in Elsa Street.

Suspects stole a motorbike after poisoning about six dogs in the neighbourhood.

The early hours of Monday, August 15 saw Miss Susan Stiglingh’s husband leave for work and an hour later Miss Stiglingh was woken up after hearing her dogs bark. After the alert she went outside to check if everything was okay.

To her misery she found her three Jack Russell’s lying dead. It seemed as if the white with brown spot beauties were poisoned.

To further inspect she went outside into her yard and noticed that her neighbour’s gate was opened and their dog was poisoned too. As if that was not enough heartache, a motorbike was stolen from the yard. It is alleged that the occupants of the house were asleep and did not hear the suspects get in.

“I am failing to understand how can a human being do such a thing, nothing from my house was stolen though, but my dogs are dead and that is sad,” said Stiglingh.

A few houses from her two other dogs were also poisoned. Stiglingh mentioned that suspects also tried to open her son’s car doors to no success.

“I do not know how many people could have been involved as I did not see them. I just heard my dogs bark,” said Stiglingh.

Her three other dogs which were in the backyard are safe and have not been hurt.
The two year old Jack Russell’s were taken to a veterinary, Dr Vernon Rezin who examined the dogs to confirm that indeed dangerous poison was given to them which was a result as to why the pets were killed instantly.

She also mentioned that such an incident has never happened before in the area. Even though she lost her dear friends, she definitely wants more dogs in the future.

“They were friendly dogs and not vicious at all, they were part of the family. We will dearly miss them,” concluded a sad Ms Stiglingh.

Too many dog poisonings to keep track
How bad is the dog poisoning situation really?

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