
Jessie in recovery from poisoning

“I came home from work to find Jessie poisoned. She was foaming at the mouth and her body was going into spasm,”

Burglars will go through any means to get into your house, meaning that not even your pets are safe.
Two dog poisonings took place in Jackaroo on Thursday, July 29.

“I came home from work to find Jessie poisoned. She was foaming at the mouth and her body was going into spasm,” said Mr Corne Ackron, a resident of Jackaroo.

He immediately rushed her to the nearest vet.

Fortunately for Jessie the poison could be worked out of her system and she is well on her way to recovery at Witbank Veterinary Hospital.

“She is still at the vet and currently on a drip,” said Ackron on Monday, August 1.

Ackron added that he took a walk around his yard and found where Jessie, the pit-bull had vomited. He inspected the vomit to find polony strips laced with Timik (2-step). poison. He also spoke to his neighbours that live behind them and they said that their three Jack Russels had also been poisoned, unfortunately their dogs didn’t survive the ordeal.

Jessie remains on a drip after being poisoned.

Their home had also been burgled that Thursday.

“It’s a pity these people don’t have a regard for life,” said Ackron.

“She is well on her way to recovery and in good hands,” said Dr Jacqui Hooton, Witbank Veterinary Hospital.

Too many dog poisonings to keep track
Dog stabbing, docket to court for decision

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