Five taxis burned at Vosman taxi rank

Vosman police have opened a charge of malicious damage to property after five taxis were set alight.

Vosman police have opened a charge of malicious damage to property after five taxis were set alight.
The taxis are believed to have been set alight during the early hours of Tuesday, March 15. The police found the burned taxis at around 02:00 lined at the taxi rank across the circle opposite the KG Mall in Vosman.It is believed that the taxis were left at the rank in order queue to pick up passengers in the morning. The damage to the five taxis is estimated to the value of half a million rand (R500 000).

According to the provincial police office they indicated that at this stage they are trying to compile a report about the incident and they are busy with investigation to determine the cause of the fire. “We are setting our nets wide and broad and a following any lead that might lead us to the arrest of the suspect or suspects. We are not sure at this stage but we are conducting investigations whether the cause of the fire was an electrical fault or a human cause,” reads a statement from the police.

No comment from the local taxi association was available at the time of print.
The Police have opened a case of malicious damage to property. They are appealing to community members who have information that could lead to the arrest of the suspect(s) to come forward.

Read More: Taxi Industry war

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