
Still no trace of the Pietersen sisters

They went away on holiday with their biological father Mr Gideon Petrus Pietersen. He never returned the girls to the foster care home on January 4.

It’s been over a month now since the Pietersen sisters were last seen in eMalahleni at their foster care home as they never returned after their holiday.

Natasha (6) and her sister Tammy Pietersen (11) were both under foster care, due to court orders.
Both sisters attended Laerskool Taalfees.

The pamphlet that has been circulating about the two sisters who were abducted by their father who was supposed to return them the beginning of this year.

They went away on holiday with their biological father Mr Gideon Petrus Pietersen.
He never returned the girls to the foster care home on January 4.

“We have not heard anything about these two girls and we are keeping our eyes down to the ground if we hear of any information,” said Constable Melicent Mdaka from Witbank SAPS missing person unit.

If anyone has any information please contact Witbank SAPS on 013 655 5000/30 or Constable Melicent Mdaka on 074 026 5424.

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