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Only R100 a month can make a difference

The Kabod Baby House is a safe house for abused and abandoned babies. Some of them were found in garbage bins, in open fields next to the railway tracks and others just abandoned after the mother gave birth.

The Kabod Baby House is a safe house for abused and abandoned babies. Some of them were found in garbage bins, in open fields next to the railway tracks and others just abandoned after the mother gave birth. These abandoned babies are placed in the house until the adoption process have been finalized, where after they are handed over to their new parents.

“Although this is a very time consuming process, we are proud to say that there has been 53 babies through the Kabod House over the past six years,” said Loraine Prinsloo, project leader.

People think that this is a Neo Doxa Project only and that it is the churches sole responsibility to provide for this house.
Loraine however explained how it works,

“uMephi, a non-profitable organization that manages all these baby houses right across South Africa, came to eMalahleni six years ago, searching for a property to establish a baby house here.
Neo Doxa got involved and donated the house on the church grounds to uMephi. At this stage, the house, water and electricity as well as garden services are provided by Neo Doxa on a monthly basis, which we are very thankful for.”

This makes Kabod Baby House a community project.
R28 000 per month is needed to successfully run the Kabod House. This includes baby milk, nappies, food, cleaning aids, medicine, salaries and more.

“To get to the set budget of R28 000.00 per month, we need 280 donators who can each contribute only R100 per month. (Or however it suits your budget, every rand makes a difference). If we can get the community involved in this way it will relieve the financial pressure, ensuring a good future for the Kabod House and the babies that must still pass through the process of adoption,” Loraine said.

Should you be interested to donate towards this worthy cause, once off or on a monthly basis, please donate the money into this account:

Absa bank
Account name: Kabod House
Account type: Business
Account number: 407 444 3694
Branch: Emalahleni
Branch code: 632005.

Please note that we can also supply the necessary documents for BBBEE purposes for companies that are interested in donating towards this worthy cause.

If you need to get in touch with Loraine for more information contact 082 3233 969.

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