A man of GOD through and through

This 46 year old has created an initiative called Mission 100

When you enter the room Evangelist Lukas Korff approaches you with so much flair and warm greetings you would swear you and him go way back. You can easily tell he is a man of GOD inside out. He is a self proclaimed fitness enthusiast, family man and devil butt kicker with a bit of hip hop swagger as he would say.

This 46 year old has created an initiative called Mission 100. South Africa will see him visit a 100 schools in South Africa aiming to inspire the learners to be better people. He says the reason he is doing it is because schools are the place where children need attention and he wants to make a difference.

“I love working with the youth and seeing them be insured and have a bright future puts a smile on my face. Schools are supposed to be places where learners must find hope to dream to be better people, and with my initative I aim to do that; to change one kid at a time”, said Korff.

With taking up such a huge task you can tell growing up he was a very sporty person as he played all sports namely rugby, cricket and boxing.

His life took a huge knock when he was 19 years old and was involved in a horrific car accident that led him to be in hospital for 11 weeks. The doctors said he would not be able to walk again but he blocked that out and with the grace of God he managed to walk again.

“I was at the stage in my life where I wanted to find out more about this Jesus that my grandmother had been preaching about ever since I was five,” said Korff.

And that is when he decided to accept Jesus as his Life and saviour and from that day onwards he has never looked back.

Korff lives by the mission to love God, to love people, to love life and to leave a legacy.

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