Curro helps to feed a million mouths

Curro Bankenveld was part of the effort to pack a record breaking one million meals.

Judea Hope, a non profit organisation arranged for a record breaking attempt with their Million Meals Project.
The event started Friday morning, June 5 at 09:00 and by 16:45 on Saturday afternoon the 1 000 000 mark was reached.
The meals were packed by volunteers, from corporations, churches and schools, who donated R25 000 for 60 boxes and 18 000 meals each, through a fun and engaging assembly line process. The volunteers each packed 18 000 meals in a 36 hour period.

Corne Reinecke in the assembly line.

Curro Bankenveld was the only school from eMalahleni who took part in the project.
“80 personnel from Curro Bankenveld headed to Swartzkop Air Base, and no it wasn’t to sky dive it was to be part of the heartfelt effort of the One Million Meals Project,” said Philna Gouws, marketer, Curro Bankenveld.

There the Curro personnel packed 18 000 meals in just three hours.
“It’s shocking to think just how many children go hungry each day, we have so much to be grateful for – the packing was fun and everyone was in high spirits, knowing that what they were doing was for the greater good,” she said.
Curro Bankenveld’s contribution to the One Million Meals Project will see their names added to the Guinness World Record once it has been made official.
“Not all of us can be a Mandela or Ghandi, but each one of us, on his own terrain, can contribute toward society. By physically packing food, giving a donation or by just not being part of violence, crime or corruption, we can make a difference,” said Mr Willem Brümmer, Curro Bankenveld’s, executive head.

The blue team from Curro Bankenveld.

The meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated meals comprising of rice, soy, vegetables, flavouring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals designed by a medical doctor and nutrition specialist.
“Through collaboration with religious and civic groups we have established 1 000 informal day care centres that also serve as an ideal platform for the distribution of food,” said Dr Louis Blom, Judea Hope president.

Marieke Vis, Karissa Visser and Marinda Stark having fun while packing the meals.

Some interesting statistics of the Million Meal Project include:
1 000 000 meals were packed, which took an equivalent of 3 000 man-hours. Each box has 300 meals and each packet has 10 meals, the average cost of a meal is R1.50 and the total weight of the food was 44 tons. The food will be distributed to 1 000 day care centres spread across South Africa.
The attempt to set the record was successful and after the 1 000 000 meals were packed, volunteers continued to pack an additional 27 900 meals.
“Judea Hope wishes to thank Groot FM 90.5 Radio Station and all our partners that made this incredible project a reality,” said Dr Blom.

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