
Warning be careful in the CBD

At least five armed robberies were reported to have taken place in the Central Business District last week.

On March 20 Mr Derek de Lange and his wife had just left the hardware store in the CBD, when de Lange was cornered by a group of men.
“A man looking like a street peddler came up to me holding his hand out, I assumed he was selling illegal items and told him no thank you, it was then he flicked a knife out and six men surrounded my wife and I,” said De Lange.

The robbers pulled De Lange’s wife to one side and searched the couple.
“They took my wife’s wedding ring, my wallet with all my cards and my cellular phone,” said De Lange.
De Lange explained how there were a number of witnesses to the armed robbery and that no one assisted him and his wife. Only later did he find out that witnesses were threatened by another group of people not to interfere.
“Once they were done robbing us, they just left and walked away casually and no one stopped them. Thank God they didn’t hurt me or my wife!” said De Lange.

The previous day Mr Isaac Mogashane was delivering maize and peanuts to a supermarket in Walter Sisulu Street when he was held at knife point.
“I was getting back into my delivery truck when someone blocked the door from closing,” said Mogashane.
According to Mogashane there were nine individuals that blocked off both doors to his truck. One of them carried a knife and threatened him with it, while another searched him, stealing the money on his person.
“There were people around who saw what happened but no one offered to help, they just watched,” said Mogashane.
On March 18, Mr Mduduzi Mhlanga was out jogging in Montgomery Street when he was approached by two men. One of them held a knife out and robbed him of his cellular phone and wallet, as well as his bank cards. Mhlanga refused to comment on the robbery.
Another two incidents occurred where a woman was robbed of her cellular phone while approaching the Transnet entrance in Main Road. She too was held at knifepoint and robbed.

In the other incident a woman walking along Eddie Street was approached by four men. According to her statement to police she was kicked to the floor and then robbed of her belongings, she too was threatened at knife point.

“People must be vigilant and on the lookout for groups of people approaching them, people should not walk alone and not carry valuables on them when going to the CBD,” said Capt Eddie Hall, police communications officer.

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