
Barking dog gets pellet to the face

A resident of eMalahleni was shocked when she walked out of her house into her garden, and noticed that one of her three dogs had been shot.

On Sunday, March 8 Ms Fernanda Oosthuizen who lives in Extension 16’s husband left the house at approximately 05:30.
Spotty, one of their three dogs, managed to get out from the back of the garden and started barking.

When Oosthuizen was about to leave her house to go visit her mother, she noticed that there was something wrong with Spotty.
Oosthuizen examined Spotty and noticed that he had a pellet gun bullet lodged in his face near his one eye.

Once the pellet was safely removed from Spotty’s face, he was sent home by Dr D. Havelaar.
Once the pellet was safely removed from Spotty’s face, he was sent home by Dr D. Havelaar.

Without delay Oosthuizen took Spotty to Dr D. Havelaar where he safely removed the bullet from his head.
“Spotty was lucky as it was a superficial wound, he did not suffer from any fractures from the bullet and we did not have to sedate him fully for the removal of the bullet. We are seeing this quite often now that dogs are being shot,” said a vet at Dr D. Havelaar’s practice.
At 17:00 on the same day Oosthuizen went back to the vet to collect Spotty.
“I can’t believe someone would do this to my dog, I know he barks a lot, but he is like my child,” said Oosthuizen.

By Monday, March 9 Oosthuizen had given Spotty his medication and he is already getting better.
“People can’t just go around shooting dogs, and then you as the owner are left with the vet bill,” said Oosthuizen.

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