
The business of robbery

Two businesses were robbed last week.

A business owner in Klarinet, who lives next to his shop, woke up at 01:00 on February 25 and went to investigate the noise at his front door.
When he went to have a look, he realised that two burglars were busy breaking down the metal security door. The victim apparently tried to scream for help but it was too late.

The two robbers forced the door open and threatened the shop owner with a firearm. They apparently demanded that he unlock his tuck shop, which he did. The robbers stole cigarettes and a couple of thousand rand in cash.
As the robbers made their escape, they fired a shot at the victim but missed him. The two suspects ran outside and apparently shot at the tuck shop again as they ran away.

Witbank SAPS was on the scene to investigate.
On February 26 at about 05:00 a security guard was on patrol at a business on the Old Middelburg Road.
He was approached by seven suspects who were all apparently carrying knives.
The suspects apparently forced him to open the door to the office.
They stole electronic office equipment and food.

One of the suspects hit the guard of the forehead to incapacitate him before they ran away. He was treated for the wound on his forehead.
The police are investigating the case.

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