Traffic officer caught taking tjo-tjo

In a video recording, posted by WITBANK NEWS earlier this week, a traffic officer is seen helping a motorcyclist putting on his gloves moments after he received R100 to buy a cold drink.

The motorcyclist was stopped between Loskop Dam and Groblersdal on his way to the Crocodile Rally on Friday, February 6.
In the video the motorcyclist is seen taking out his licence and handing it to the traffic officer, who has moved from one side of the motorcycle to the other.

The traffic officer can clearly be heard asking if the motorcyclist did not bring any cold drinks today.
“How am I supposed to carry cold drinks on the bike?” the motorcyclists asks.
That is when the traffic officer nods in the direction of the man’s wallet. A R100 note is taken out and handed to the traffic officer.
That is when the traffic officer opened the motorcyclist’s gloves and helped him put it on again.

“My bike is roadworthy, we adhered to traffic laws and I have a licence. But the traffic officer was out for money and because we wanted to get to the rally site R100 did not seem that much,” the motorcyclist said.

Friday, February 6 saw the temperature go up to 34 degrees. A very thirsty traffic officer asks for a cold drink, after he pulls off a motorcyclist.

On Facebook the comments are streaming in.
David Simpson wrote he loves how the traffic officer assisted with the motorcyclist’s gloves.
“Lol… ay Money money money. There he goes and assist him putting back the gloves! Let law take its course! Tired of this traffic cops!” Simphiwe Edward Nkutha commented.
Maroga Stan commented, “What’s the fuss cause the biker did produce a licence and there was no defect on his bike as a result a thirsty officer ask for a coldrink on a hot day then the good man offers R100 thats Ubuntu.”

Transport Minister Dipuo Peters said 1 368 people have died on the country’s roads between December 1 last year and January 5.
The minister said, nationally, these deaths could have been avoided if road users behaved responsibly and abided by the rules of the road.
The minister has warned both motorists and traffic officers against bribery.
The video was send to the Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison. Mr Joseph Mabuza, spokesman for the department said they are investigating the matter.

Read the full story in WITBANK NEWS on Friday, February 13.

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