
10-year-old girl raped by trusted family friend

Protecting children from sexual assault.

A 10-year-old girl was recently raped by a trusted friend of her family.

It is every good parent’s worst nightmare and on Tuesday, January 6 that nightmare became a reality for a family in Old Coronation.
It’s alleged that the young girl was left with a neighbour as her mother didn’t want to leave her alone.

When the mother returned home, she found her daughter at their house washing dishes. The child was clearly upset and when the mother confronted her she allegedly told how she was sexually assaulted and raped by a neighbour, whom she trusted as a friend.
The mother immediately went to the police station to report the crime. The case is currently being investigated.

On the same day another case was reported also by a resident in Old Coronation. A concerned father rushed to the police with his three-year-old daughter after he was told that there might be something wrong and that the child was complaining about lower abdominal pains.
“They sent her to the doctor for tests, but they couldn’t find anything,” said the relieved father. There was no evidence of sexual assault and a bloodstain previously discovered on her clothes was allegedly from another injury.
“You hear a lot about it (child rape). Just wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong,” said the father.

It takes a community to stop child rape and abuse. Police encourage parents and families to report these crimes. Most cases of child rape take place at or near the victim’s home and often the crime is committed by someone the victim knows and even trusts.

The community can aid the police by reporting the crime and help put sexual offenders behind bars.

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