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News stories that shocked the community in 2014

While 2014 had many things to look back at with optimistic nostalgia, the year did have its moments that merit a more solemn recollection.

Witbank News journalists compiled a list of the most shocking stories of 2014—tales that require a more serious look back on what transpired during the year.

Horrific crash kills 15

As pieces of a mini bus, bags, clothing and the passengers lay scattered across the road everything but a Bible remained intact in the horrific head-on collision.
As pieces of a mini bus, bags, clothing and the passengers lay scattered across the road everything but a Bible remained intact in the horrific head-on collision.

16 people were travelling in the mini bus, 15 were killed in the crash on Friday, January 24 on the R555 Old Ogies Road, near eMalahleni.

The mini bus was travelling from Johannesburg to eMalahleni when the collision occurred just after 16:00, after a thunderstorm had passed through. (Read the full story here)

10-year-old addict asks for help

According to Ms Zodwa Mzondo, director of SA National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) the city is the drug capital of South Africa.
According to Ms Zodwa Mzondo, director of SA National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) the city is the drug capital of South Africa.

Looking at the statistics the drug trade in eMalahleni is spiralling out of control.
In March 2013 approximately 92 drug addicts knocked on Sanca’s door for help. A year later that number has increased to 104 addicts seeking help in March alone.

The youngest patient is only 10 years old. This boy is addicted to inhalants and a typical day for him starts with sniffing glue or benzene.
(Read the full story here)

Video: Armed robbery at Checkers Klipfontein

Three people were shot and two killed in an armed robbery at Checkers Klipfontein.
Three people were shot and two killed in an armed robbery at Checkers Klipfontein.

Chaos followed the shootout on Tuesday morning April 8 near Klipfontein Checkers at the Sanlam Centre, which resulted in two deaths and one serious injury.

A family lost their brother and son; a baby lost his father; and a fiancé her husband to be. (Read the full story here)

‘Soen Zylan vir my’

Die oorsaak van die brand wat die lewe van ’n ma en haar seuntjie geëis het.
Die oorsaak van die brand wat die lewe van ’n ma en haar seuntjie geëis het.

Mnr. Danie Scheepers, die eienaar van die erf waarop die woonstel is, het gesê hy was in die kerk toe hy ’n oproep van Michelle ontvang het.
“Sy het angsbevange geskree die woonstel brand en sy en Zylan kom nie uit nie,” het Scheepers gesê.

Dr. Karel Block die patoloog wat die lykskouing behartig het, het bepaal dat die oorsaak van Michelle Oosthuizen (18) en haar 23 maande oue seuntjie, Zylan se dood, rook inaseming was. (Lees die vollge berig hier)

‘Terrors’ maul jogger

He lay there in the hospital bed, cringing as he told his story of how three dogs mauled him.
He lay there in the hospital bed, cringing as he told his story of how three dogs mauled him.

Mr Milton Ngomezulu was admitted to Life Cosmos Hospital on Sunday, June 8 after he was attacked by three Pit-bull Terriers roaming Duvha Park.

“I was out for a morning jog and had just come across the bridge between Tasbet and Duvha when I saw three dogs barking, fighting with other dogs at a gate, they were white at the mouth,” recalled Ngomezulu. (Read the full story here)

Body found in reservoir

The body of an unknown man was found floating in the reservoir near the bank.
The body of an unknown man was found floating in the reservoir near the bank.

Members of Emalahleni Local Municipality and Witbank SAPS were called to the scene on Friday July 4, at around 12:00, where the unknown man was discovered floating in the water. (Read the full story here)

After the tragic and gruesome incident, when the body of a man was discovered floating in the reservoir in Extension 8, new information brought to light an even more horrifying possibility of how he ended up there – Initiation gone wrong?

‘My mommy and daddy were sleeping’

A four-year-old boy was locked in the house where his parents and three-year-old sister died four days before.
A four-year-old boy was locked in the house where his parents and three-year-old sister died four days before.

A resident made a heart breaking discovery when he peeped through a window at his colleague’s house and saw the bodies of Mr Seth Offei (38), his wife Rose (30) and Roseth (3). (Read the full story here)

Seth Offei told police he ate bananas as “mommy did not wake up.”

EFF marches against removal of homeowners

Members of Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and South African Concerned Housing Association (SACHO) took to the streets to voice their grievances.
Members of Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and South African Concerned Housing Association (SACHO) took to the streets to voice their grievances.

Members of Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and South African Concerned Housing Association (SACHO) took to the streets to voice their grievances.

The group started their march from Lynnville on Thursday, August 14 and they marched to the city to hand over a memorandum. Executive mayor, Cllr Salome Sithole, and city administrator, Mr Theo van Vuuren, received copies of the memorandum. (Read the full story here)

Ten year old dies

What was supposed to be a normal practice day on a motocross track turned into tragedy as a young rider fell and succumbed to his injures in hospital.
What was supposed to be a normal practice day on a motocross track turned into tragedy as a young rider fell and succumbed to his injures in hospital.

The Jennings family arrived at the Clewer Sand MX Tracks on Sunday morning, August 31 as their son Joshua (10) was going to practice on the track. It was his first time there.
“Joshi was practicing almost all morning on the track,” said Ms Kara Jennings, Joshua’s mother.

At approximately 12:00 Joshua went out again onto the track to practice a little bit more, before it was time to go home back to Johannesburg. (Read the full story here)

19-jarige sterf op R555

“Jirre, wat het hier gebeur? Vat hierie kênd se hand, hou sy hand baja styf vas en ek bid ook vir sy pa en sy ma.”
“Jirre, wat het hier gebeur? Vat hierie kênd se hand, hou sy hand baja styf vas en ek bid ook vir sy pa en sy ma.”

Om die kruis, ’n paar meter van die drierigting stopstraat skuins na Safari kafee af, verwelk die blomme wat Vrydag 3 Oktober daar neergesit is kort na die ongeluk waarin die 19-jarige Shawn van der Merwe dood is.

Shawn, wat vir sy pa se besigheid Stealth Insleepdienste gewerk het, was op pad na ’n ongeluk toe hyself verongeluk het. (Lees die volle berig hier)

Tragedy on N4 as youngster dies

The body of a six-year-old boy told the sad tale of yet another pedestrian accident on the N4.
The body of a six-year-old boy told the sad tale of yet another pedestrian accident on the N4.

The accident on Sunday, October 11 happened just after the Matthews Phosa off-ramp at Vosman.

Mr Duan Viljoen, driver of the vehicle that hit Mthandeka Mbele, said he did not see the little boy until it was too late. (Read the full story here)

ANC’s Jackson Mthembu Stable

Mthembu drives himself to hospital after being shot.
Mthembu drives himself to hospital after being shot.

It has been confirmed by the Provincial Police that Mr Jackson Mthembu (56) was shot in the face while withdrawing money from the ABSA Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) on Sunday, October 19 at 22:00 in the Central Business District. (Read the full story here)

Children watch their mother being stabbed over and over again

Model Park woman stabbed 12 times in her home.
Model Park woman stabbed 12 times in her home.

In the quiet suburb of Model Park a violent crime shocked the neighbourhood on Thursday, October 30 at 13:15.

When Mrs Jansen van Rensburg was stabbed 12 times all over her body with a knife.


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