
Brick throwers steal paint to renovate

Impa Paint was burgled for the second time in less that a month and the shop has not even been open for a month.

On Saturday, November 22 at 13:20 Mr Martin du Preez, branch manager of Impa Paint, locked up his shop after business.
“Everything was locked up and I did not see anything strange around the shop. As I returned home,” said Du Preez.

Approximately 20 minutes later Du Preez received a phone call from the security company that the alarm in the shop had just gone off.
“I then rushed to the shop to see if everything was in order, but when I got there I could not believe it,” said Du Preez.

Approximately two weeks ago the same window was broken, exactly the same way.
“A brick was thrown through the window and the suspects managed to grab a couple of five litre paint tins from the shop,” said Du Preez.
Six five litre tins of paint were stolen valued at R2460. During the previous break in eight five litre tins were stolen.

At the broken window stood a trolley filled with shoes, vegetables and then there was an empty paint container and black plastic bags.
“This shop has not even been open for a month and we have had two break-ins already,” said Du Preez.
The main concern for Du Preez is that the business is situated on Hans Strydom Street which is a busy road on a Saturday and that nobody noticed anything.

The shop owner in the next building could not believe that the shop was broken into once again.
“I can’t believe this. Its broad daylight and the fact that nobody saw, means that people don’t want to get involved,” said the shop owner.

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