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Tragedy on N4 as youngster dies

The body of a six-year-old boy told the sad tale of yet another pedestrian accident on the N4.

The accident on Sunday, October 11 happened just after the Matthews Phosa off-ramp at Vosman.

Mr Duan Viljoen, driver of the vehicle that hit Mthandeka Mbele, said he did not see the little boy until it was too late.
According to Mthandeka’s father, Mr Phillip Mhlabane, they were making their way to a hiking spot. They were on their way back from Extension 5 to Bronkhorstspruit, where Mthandeka attends Sihluziwe Primary School. He was only in Grade One.

“We were waiting for cars to pass before we tried to make a safe crossing. Mthandeka suddenly started crossing the road,” the father sobbed on the scene.
He was sitting only a few meters away from his son’s body, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
A shocked Viljoen whispered over and over: “The little boy had yoghurt in his hand.”
Viljoen said he was coming from Swadini after a short break. The university he is attending reopened and he is now focusing on his studies.

“It is not fair for any parent to bury a child. My heart goes out to the family,” he said.
Mhlabane described Mthandeka as a bright child who never stopped laughing.
A family member said Mthandeka means ‘loved one’.

Six-year-old Mthandeka Mbele was killed in a pedestrian accident on the N4 on Sunday, October 12.
Six-year-old Mthandeka Mbele was killed in a pedestrian accident on the N4 on Sunday, October 12.

Capt Klaas Maloka, spokesperson for Vosman SAPS said three accidents wherein pedestrians lost their lives happened on the same stretch of road within three months.
“Residents ignore the wall that was put up, preventing them from crossing the busy highway. They will walk around the wall, which stretches more than a kilometre and time and again put their own lives at risk trying to cross the road,” Capt Maloka said.

Attempts from the SAPS to highlight the dangers of crossing the N4 seem to be falling on deaf ears.
“Again we urge and plead that residents not cross the highway, it is sad to say goodbye to a child who had so much to live for. It is heartbreaking to try and console a family who is drowning in tears and sorrow,” Capt Maloka said.

What preventitive measures could be done to stop innocent people from dying? Comment below.


  1. Why is it so hard for people to understand that there should not be any pedestrians on the highways. But then again I have seen where traffic cops have operations and they allow pedestrians hacking on the highways. Maybe it is time that the traffic cops start doing their jobs and stop being glorified drivers.

  2. Kan een of meer besighede nie dalk n brug laat bou met n veilige plek vd mense om op en af te klim nie?

  3. Well first of all, there aren’t suppose to be people crossing the highways. There are specific places and bridges for them to do so safely.

  4. Ek moet regtig se, die ouers neem nie verantwoordelikheid vir die kinders nie. Ons ry elke dag uit na Balmoral en elke dag in na witbank. Ek het twee kinders net net gemis nadat hulle oor die pad is, die ouers het net oor gehardloop en nie gekyk of die kinders kom of veilig is nie. Ek moes baie hard rem,dank die vader daar was niemand agter my nie, anders was die voertuig agter my in. Dit is elke dag se oor haldloop. Ek het nog nie een dag gery dat ons nie iemand kry nie. Dan die ergste is die speedcop sit met sy kamera en hy doen niks nie. Hulle sal boetes gegee word as hulle op die pad gevang word.

  5. Wat moet nog gedoen word om die mense die oorgangbrug- wat duidelik op die foto gesien kan word,- te gebruik. Die “foto” wat die twee studente gesien het toe hulle probeer uitswaai, sal altyd in hul geheue bly. Hulle het die vakansie gewerk om geld te verdien vir hulle studies, onderwysers wat eendag kindertjies wil help opvoed!

  6. Ek voel baie jammer vir die ouers van die kind – ons het Sondag daar verby gery net na die tragedie! Die sal vir altyd in my geeste oog bly die klein lyfie! RIP

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