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Body perfect

"They don't make diamonds the size of bricks,” is a saying that has direct reference to Jeanine Killian.

But don’t let her small posture fool you, underneath her clothes this woman is a bundle of muscle. Not only is she a top model but she is also a fitness instructor and body builder. And guys she has the sexiest tummy any woman and man for that matter can dream of.
Jeanine has a unique story to tell and once she gets started there is no stopping her.

She was ill throughout her childhood.
“My life consisted of continued visits to and from the hospitals. At a very young age the doctors were very concerned about my health and did every single test that they had available at the time,” she said.

Doctors suspected she had cystic fibrosis and performed various tests because it was the only logical explanation after dozens of tests were negative. Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disorder that affects the exocrine glands which cause the production of abnormally thick mucus that will result in the blockage of pancreatic ducts, intestines and bronchi. This often results in respiratory infection.

“Apart from the cystic fibrosis, it was confirmed that I had pneumonia, bronchitis as well as abscesses on my lungs. I had to go for very frequent physiotherapy sessions to promote lung recovery and to improve my breathing. In addition to the problematic conditions of my lungs, I suffered from severe asthma since birth and was allergic to almost everything. As soon as my parents thought that they had my allergies under control, I would have another setback due to another allergy and we would probably spend the next few nights in hospital again,” she said and paged through a file she calls her hospital history.

It did not end there. Jeanine was also diagnosed with Scheuermann’s disease, a form of juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine from an unknown cause. It affects your posture drastically and a Scheuermann’s disease patient is unable to consciously correct their posture which will result in a quite rigid apex curve. This disease is notorious for being the cause of very severe or even disabling lower and mid-level back and neck pain. Many patients suffering from Scheuermann’s disease have loss of vertebral height and even frequently a visual hunchback.
“Doctors told me I would never be able to participate in any kind of sport. They warned that a sport injury could be very dangerous.”
Once again the word dangerous was not in this petite young woman’s vocabulary.

Jeanine started running and soon finished her first 3km race.
“I felt fantastic after I accomplished my goal and finished the race. I decided to train for bigger races. Soon I completed 5km, 10km and 15km races. This gave me the inspiration I needed to enter a 21km race. This was a big goal that I have set for myself and the amazing feeling of reaching my goal inspired me to train even harder. I ran the Greatest Train Race from eMalahleni to Middelburg, an entire 28km. I did not only reach my goals, I demolished them and this gave me the necessary dedication to push myself even further.”

However another setback soon appeared on Jeanine’s horizon.

Jeanine Killian had to overcome many obstacles to look like this.
Jeanine Killian had to overcome many obstacles to look like this.

She had a severe allergic reaction and no doctor and no test could determine what she was allergic to. Then her hair started falling out.
“I lost my hair to such an extent that the doctors described it as getting bald. I was devastated! My long hair was one of the few healthy and pretty things in my life.”

“Just as I thought it can’t really get any worse I was diagnosed with eczema combined with a skin rash. My medical aid was depleted. My physical appearance was degrading due to my hair loss, eczema and skin rashes, emotionally I was at the bottom because no doctor could diagnose or treat my symptoms and my financial state was also affected because I had to pay for all the doctors’ consultations and medication after the depletion of my medical aid.”

Then Jeanine found a doctor, Dr Adrian Morris, who was able to pin-point her allergy, she was allergic to histamine.
Histamine is very commonly found in all tinned- and processed- foods as well as chicken and tinned cold drinks.
She immediately changed her diet and started an exercise programme. She set a brand new goal for herself.

“I wanted to be on stage and participate in the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) competition. I entered my first IFBB competition in 2013 and won first place as well as the overall category at the Mpumalanga provincials and managed to achieve seventh place at the SAs. I was a whole new person!”

Then disaster struck again and a tumour was found inside Jeanine.
“Thank God that the doctors managed to remove it.” But not before the tumour also damaged her bladder.

“I had a bladder operation and had to go two months without exercise. It was difficult but it is done.”
Jeanine, who was born in Middelburg, is what she calls a ‘Witbanker’ in heart and soul.
She went to Laerskool Duvhapark and finished matric at Hoërskool Patriot.

This young woman is truly an inspiration to every other woman out there and she has a bit of advice for women, “If I don’t follow my eating and exercise programme, my body suffers. This hasn’t only changed me on the outside but on the inside as well. I am sharing my life story with you to encourage each and every one of you. Living a healthy lifestyle and combining it with prayer and faith, that is the core of my message to you.”

Jeanine is busy preparing for the next competition in November called ‘Body Beautiful’.

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