Seth the only survivor is doing well

Seth Offei, the four-year-old boy who was locked in the house for four days where his parents and three-year-old sister died, is doing well.

Seth is being looked after by Ms Edward Edwuma, a family friend, who has taken him in.
“He is doing very well, he loves playing with my children and he is just so happy,” said Edwuma on Tuesday, July 29.

Seth will remain in Edwuma’s care until the final arrangements and documents have been sorted out.
On Wednesday, July 16 a friend made a heart breaking discovery when he peeped through a window at his colleague’s house and saw the bodies of Mr Seth Offei (38), his wife Rose (30) and Roseth (3).

The family from Ghana stayed in Village Green Complex 2 in Impala Street and Offei was a pastor at a well known church in eMalahleni.
According to the autopsy at Witbank Pathology Service the three family members died from carbon monoxide poisoning from the heater and samples have been taken, which have been sent to a laboratory in Pretoria for further testing. How little Seth survived is still a mystery.

A memorial service will be held for Seth’s three family members on Thursday, July 31 at 13:00 in Witbank City Hall.

Arrangements are still being made that the bodies of the three deceased get to Ghana.

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