
ATM bombers target supermarket

Fragments of metal and glass littered the floor after an explosion shook the building.

On Wednesday night, July 16, two Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) were bombed inside Family Pick ‘n Pay Supermarket in Reyno Ridge.

A security company was alerted after the store’s alarm went off, at around 00:12, and a security guard on patrol arrived on the scene within three minutes.

The robbers surprised the guard by immediately opening fire as he arrived.
The suspects made quick work of blasting open the ATMs and fled the scene with an unknown amount of cash.

Apart from a neck injury, the security guard sustained as he avoided shots fired at him, no one else was injured during the incident.
The owner and manager of the supermarket were later called to the store where they found a lot of damage caused by the explosion.

It is unknown how many robbers were involved and no arrests have yet been made.

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