Blankets against the winter chill

There are some people who just don’t have a blanket to shield them from this cold weather.

The whole of the country is in the middle of an icy cold winter. There are some people who just don’t have a blanket to shield them from this cold weather.

SGB-Cape Power Region stepped into the community and found some people who needed a blanket, maybe a jersey, maybe just a little chit-chat and food.

“We accepted a challenge by our chief executive officer of the Waco group, Mr Stephen Goodburn, of which we as SGB-Cape Power Region are a division off. He asked each person to donate a jacket, jersey, blanket an food and hand it to people who really need it in these extremely cold times,” said Ms Rina du Plessis, Contract Administrator from SGB-Cape.

Ms Monica Tlatlane and Mr André du Toit from SGB-Cape hand over some goods to Mr Johannes Khumalo.

She explained Mr Tinus Gouws, Operations Director, asked Ms Monica Tlatlane, who also works for the company, to identify some people in their working area who are in need of clothes and food.

“We received so many items from all our sites that we had four separate handout sessions,” Ms Du Plessis said.

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