Initiation gone wrong?

After the tragic and gruesome incident, when the body of a man was discovered floating in the reservoir in Extension 8, new information brought to light an even more horrifying possibility of how he ended up there.

The body, which has not yet been identified, was found in the reservoir on Friday July 4. The body, that was previously suspected to be about 30 years of age, was revealed after an autopsy to be much younger. It had swelled about twice its size in the water, making the age difficult to estimate before. Autopsy also revealed that drowning was not the cause of death as previously suspected, as there was no water found in the lungs.

Pathologists also looked for wounds on the body, of which they found none, until they discovered that the man had recently been circumcised.

A case of murder is now being investigated as police suspect that the man could have bled to death, due to a circumcision performed incorrectly.
“We do not know when or where he died, but it seems like the body was brought here and dumped in the reservoir,” said Capt Eddie Hall, spokesperson for Witbank SAPS on Monday, July 14.

It is also suspected that this death, as so many others, was perhaps caused by incorrect practises at an initiation school.
After an article was published in WITBANK NEWS on Friday, July 4 about the tragic death of 17-year-old Muzi Mthethwa and four new cases of negligence at initiation schools being investigated, police fear that this might not be the last body they’ll find.

Acting Commissioner of Mpumalanga SAPS, Major General Meshack Nogwanya, has warned owners of initiation schools about incorrect practices. There had already been 30 reported instances where initiates had died in Mpumalanga.

The National Director of Public Prosecution had ruled that 23 of the 30 deaths were due to negligence.
Nogwana said that perpetrators responsible for these deaths would be severely prosecuted.

“In Mpumalanga we have assembled a team of investigators that from time to time interact with the Ingoma Forum on related matters. The team is responsible to investigate the deaths that occurred at initiation schools and prepare dockets for decisions by prosecutors,” Nogwana had previously stated.

*Witbank SAPS is still looking for more information that might help to identify the body found in the reservoir.

Anyone with information can contact the investigating officer, Susan Holtzhausen on 083 230 7308. Anonymous calls can also be made by dialling Crime Stop on 08 600 10111.

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