
Hijacker busted by private security

It seems that when authorities arrested a suspected hijacker on the Watermeyer Street off ramp on the N12 the chase played out like an action movie as the criminal jumped from the moving truck in an attempt to escape.

On June 5 a Toyota truck was reported stolen in Pretoria when the driver was allegedly held at gun point when the truck was hi-jacked.

The driver was left in Olifants Fontein by the robber who drove off with the truck. On June 6 at about 08:30 Netstar started tracking the vehicle and dispatched Cyber Search team (who are contractors for Netstar) to recover the vehicle.

They spotted the vehicle near the Watermeyer off ramp on the N12 in eMalahleni and the recovery team attempted to stop the vehicle, however the driver was determined to get away and according to the Cyber Search team he jumped from the moving vehicle in a last ditch effort to get away. Fortunately the security team managed to get onto the still moving truck and turn off the engine before any major damage was done.

Emergency management services treats the suspect’s leg after the shootout on June 5 when he fired on the vehicle recovery team.
Emergency management services treats the suspect’s leg after the shootout on June 5 when he fired on the vehicle recovery team.

Two members of the recovery team chased after the fleeing robber when a shootout occurred.

The suspect was wounded during the fire fight and was arrested. The suspect was taken to hospital by paramedics for medical attention before being detained by the Witbank SAPS.

“The suspect is a Mozambique citizen and all indications are that the vehicle was en route to Mozambique. Although the vehicle registration numbers and license disc were changed, it still had all its original signage and markings,” said Martin Bezuidenhout from Cyber Search. He was carrying his Mozambique passport.

The Witbank SAPS has always valued the partnership from security companies and local Community Policing Forums to effectively fight crime.

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