‘Terrors’ maul jogger

He lay there in the hospital bed, cringing as he told his story of how three dogs mauled him.

Mr Milton Ngomezulu was admitted to Life Cosmos Hospital on Sunday, June 8 after he was attacked by three Pit-bull Terriers roaming Duvha Park.

“I was out for a morning jog and had just come across the bridge between Tasbet and Duvha when I saw three dogs barking, fighting with other dogs at a gate, they were white at the mouth,” recalled Ngomezulu.

Ngomezulu reached down to pick up a stone, hoping to defend himself should the dogs attack him.

“I looked up and they were right there, biting, biting, I screamed for help,” he held his hands together, clenching as he told his grim tale.

Fortunately for Ngomezulu a neighbour heard his call and came running out, they called to him to get up and come to their yard. He managed to get away from the three dogs that had torn at his flesh.

“Meat, meat, I ran, my clothes torn and bloody, into their yard,” he continued.

The Pit-bulls left Ngomezulu heavily wounded. He was rushed to Life Cosmos Hospital where he was treated for the bite wounds to his wrists, both legs and to his chin.

“If they had gone for my throat it would have all been over, by the grace of God they didn’t,” he added, sighing in relief.

Nurses at the hospital called the Witbank SPCA, telling them of the emergency; meanwhile the community and security company had managed to corner the dogs into one of the resident’s properties in Benjamin Bennett Street.

The Witbank SPCA headed out to Duvha Park where they came to the yard. “I looked over the wall and they went from being still into blood frenzy, they were out for blood,” said Mpho Mokoena, Witbank SPCA Inspector.

The Witbank SPCA called for Dr Vernon Rezin to come dart the rabid beasts.

The dogs were darted and immediately euthanized on scene.

“They had to be put down, we feared they might wake up and attack someone, they had a lot of old scars and I think they were used for fighting,” said Insp Mokoena.

Ngomezulu received a rabies vaccine shot on Sunday and spent the following two days in hospital. He was discharged from Life Cosmos Hospital on Tuesday morning and will only go back to work within a week, giving his wounds time to heal.

A young woman was also attacked the same day and suffered far greater wounds. She remains in Life Cosmos Hospital undergoing further treatment, but was unavailable for comment.

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