Esme not out at 101!

Howe many of us can claim we know a person who celebrated their 101st birthday?

Tuesday, May 27 saw friends from the MOTH Witbank Cottages, Golf Bowls Club, MOTH Coalfields district and eMalahleni community gathered at the cottages to celebrate yet another milestone in the life of the remarkable Ms Esme Taylor.

Her 101st birthday bash, complete with champagne and delightful eats was arranged by Mesdames  Elise Baily, Betty Grove (cottages manager) and her team and Kotie Human and her team.

The proceedings were opened with a touching prayer by Reverend Lawrence Lorenz Mielke from the Anglican Church.

MOTH Crater Shellhole’s Old Bill, Moth Chris Sonnekus, proposed a toast on behalf of the Cottages Committee, MOTH, friends and Cottages Staff, reminding the guests that Tannie Esme served in World War I and that she was the first lady bowler ever to be allowed to play in the then, all men’s, MOTH National Bowls Tournament.

He also added that Tannie Esme was a mean bowler in her time, skipping many a league team for Witbank Golf Bowls.
Celebrations continued well into the late afternoon with lots of fond reminiscing from days gone by taking place.

The management of Klipfontein Checkers were commended on the massive birthday cake delivered as a surprise!

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