
The abuse continues

“It’s sad how animals are being abused, I read about it in last week’s paper and now this,” said Ms Talita Pretorius.

Pretorius and her two family members were walking to the shops in Clewer on Sunday afternoon, not knowing what hung in wait in the open field. “We were walking around the turning circle and looked into the field and that’s when I saw the dog, hung with a rope,” continued Pretorius.

Read the full story in Witbank News on Friday, May 30.

Please note the photo is very graphic and not for sensitive viewers please be warned of the sensitive nature.

A dog was found, hung in Clewer.
A dog was found, hung in Clewer.


  1. How sick and sadistic can a person be to be able to do that to an innocent animal! I hope they catch the person responsible for this.He/she deserves to rot in jail.It makes me sick to my stomach to think about the suffering that poor animal endured before dying.We have to stand up and give a voice to these animals that can not speak for themselves.What cruel world are we living in? We as humans should be the ones that cares and protect our animals,not hurt or kill them!Shame on you!

  2. Julle weet wat sulke mense wat dit aan diere doen,,,hulle moet dieselfde straf kry in die openbaar ,,klink wreed maar as jy steel in sekere lande word jou vingers of selfs jou hand afgekap in die openbaar en daar is nie crime nie. Ek moenie op so persoon afkom nie,,,ek sal nie verantwoordelik gehou word vir my reaksie nie lekke dag

  3. Ek kan rerag nie gloo dat mense so wreet kan wees nie en ek glo nie daai man/vrou het n gewete nie die Here gan met daai mense werk wat dit gedoen het Ek kan dit nie gloo nie!!!!!

  4. I believe what this person has done should be done to him too. People who hurt animals are cowards because the animals do not have a voice to stand up for themselves neither can they protect themselves from further abuse. Animals were put on this earth for us humans to rule over not to walk over.

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