Through new eyes

“After so many years, I can go home and see my grandchildren clearly for the first time.” These words spoken by a 96-year-old woman touched the hearts of doctors, nursing staff at the Witbank General Hospital and all involved with the Al-Imdaad Foundation.

We often take sight and the ability to see for granted – but those who have struggled to see (due to cataracts forming on the eyes) know that sight is indeed a precious thing.

Mr Yusuf Bhamjee escorted Ms Aletta Brits from the waiting room at Witbank General Hospital on Saturday morning, May 16. She was the first person in line for the cataract operation and felt a little nervous. “I’m not sure if it will hurt,” she said anxiously. Nevertheless, it was a blessing for Brits and the other patients to finally get the much-needed operation done.

“We, the Muslim community, support this cause and thank the Al-Imdaad Foundation, Dr Hamza Tayob and his team who were willing to do these operations.” Bhamjee had said. “This cataract operation is usually very costly (between R7000 and R19 000) and Dr Hamza and the other doctors gave their time to do this operations free of charge.” The Vision 4 Life project, Bhamjee explained with the help of
Mr Muhammad Saloojee (from the Al-Imdaad Foundation), is an initiative that was launched to help give back to those in need. The patients were brought in from far and near, from poor communities and from areas in and around eMalahleni.

“eMalahleni has grown considerably,” Bhamjee explained, saying that in order for the project to make a difference, the cataract operations will be done three to four times a year. “We have 12 patients in today and eight will be here for the operation tomorrow,” Bhamjee said on Saturday.

Bhamjee thanked the team of doctors: Dr Hamza Tayob, Dr Irene Mdaka, Dr Sibongile Mthethwa and Dr Elias Msutwana (head surgeon) who offered their services. He thanked the Witbank General Hospital, nursing staff, members of the Al-Imdaad Foundation, Witbank Muslim Jamaat and everyone involved in the project, for their passion and dedication to give people the opportunity to see once again.

The Al-Imdaad Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian aid relief organisation (NGO) registered in the Republic of South Africa, dedicated to providing humanitarian services in crisis and non-crisis situations to most needy orphans, widows and destitute, irrespective of race, religion, culture and geographical boundaries .

The Foundation aspires to excel in humanitarian relief, providing humanitarian services with the highest level of compassion, professionalism and care under the supervision of a team of Ulema from South Africa and abroad.

For more about the foundation visit the website here.

*For people in need of the cataract operation, Dr Hamza Tayob can be contacted at the Witbank General Hospital for screening.

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