Elections 2014NewsUpdate

Election Day has come and gone

The long awaited Election Day has finally come and has passed quicker than its long awaited arrival.

The party manifestos echoed in the air, the policies-old and new- were revised in verbal agreements of a promise of a better life for all for each campaigning party.

On May 7 people went out in their numbers to the various voting stations all over the country. eMalahleni was also out and about with new registrants excited about voting for the first time since South Africa received its freedom, 20 years ago. The special votes took place over May 5 and 6 and the Mayor of eMalahleni was amongst those who cast their special vote on May 5 at the Civic Hall.

Senior citizens were awarded these two days to vote to keep them from waiting in long queues on the National voting day. Those with disabilities and those whose jobs involved being a part of the elections on Wednesday were also allowed to vote on the special days, if they had applied to do so.

The longest wait after the voting will be waiting for the results to be announced as most of the parties had tried to make their mark felt through election campaigns and their party manifestos. Regardless of the promises that the people were promised by their parties of choice, the result of who will be the governing party remained a rocky mystery to be discovered and the politics of this year have played the dirtiest with parties hanging all their laundry for all to see.

“We would like to see a difference in the government with these elections,” said one voter. Others shouted, “Freedom! Freedom!” The youth were out in their numbers and although some were reluctant to even hint who they voted for they did mention that they hoped that they made the right choice.

“We cannot be too sure with these elections, it has been so tense since the end of last year and now the time is here but still we are not certain. I voted anyway and my vote will remain my secret,” said another voter at the TP Sililo voting station on May 7.

The votes have been cast and the best that can be done at this stage is to wait in patience to find out which party gains how many seats in parliament, who rules which province and which party will have a new city under their belt.

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