Elections 2014NewsUpdate

Election update

Final numbers as published for the Emalahleni municipal area (105 polling stations and 34 wards) and for the provincial election in Mpumalanga ( total of all voting stations in the province).

EMalahleni valid votes represent 11% of all valid votes in the province. My thanks to all voters who utilised their democratic rights to vote and the positive and peaceful manner in which they did so.

Also from my side thanks to Sizwe Maisela as municipal electoral officer for guiding the municipal role and responsibilities and to all my directors, managers and staff who ensured that we could deliver services and attend to emergencies to enable the elect poling stations to function.

Abbr. Emalahleni % Votes Provincial
Total 145 361 1 336 259
ANC 101 761 70,01%  – 78.23%
DA 24 460 16,83% –  10.40%
EFF 13 320 9,16% –  6.26%
VF+ 1 590 1,09%  – 0.82%
ACDP 789 0,54%  – 0.40%
24 others 3 441  – 2,36%

Please note that the above does not impact on the current council representation as the local government elections will only be in 2016.

One Comment

  1. I never knew so many people lived in Wit bank! !! Free and fair my backside. Personal opinion is that it has rigged.

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