Elections 2014News

Economic Freedom Fighters in peek-a-boo games

The Economic Freedom Fighters have left some of their stern supporters disappointed at recent events.

The no show of the Commander-in-Chief of the EF Fighters brought a lot of grief on some of its supporters, however it seemed the glitch did not affect the followers of the infamous politician, Julius Malema.

On May 1, supporters of the EFF were clad in their red berets and t-shirts with their slogans on them at the Puma Stadium, the day was in celebration of the Workers Day. EFF supporters sang political songs in praise of their leader and some degrading to the current government.

The stadium saw people coming from as far as Limpopo and Johannesburg to come and celebrate the struggles of workers which afforded them the right to be where they are today in their respective jobs.

However, a gala dinner which was scheduled to take place on April 25 at the Paxton Hall did not take place. Many EFF supporters were turned away upon their arrival after learning that their leader will not be making an appearance and the gala dinner would not take place. Many were left frustrated as they had come out in numbers to support the commander in chief of the EFF.

Julius Malema was apparently at a conference in KwaZulu Natal during that time and a planned rally was supposed to take place on the following Monday April 28, at Kwaggafontein.

The EFF communications were reluctant to say why they had not notified people in time of the absence of their leader or provide reasons as to what caused the cancellation of the gala dinner on April 25. Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said, “We are not in any way obliged to provide any media release documents regarding our chief’s public appearances. His speech was unplanned and therefore a copy of it cannot be provided to you.”

As elections took place from Monday, May 4, the EFF have been visiting various voting stations to see how the process is being rolled out. The official National voting day was May 7 and the outcomes of the results are yet to be heard by the various parties which campaigned for parliamentary seats and presidency.

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