No solutions to the bigger picture

In response to the advertisement (VF) on page 6, WITBANK NEWS, Friday, April 25.

What a pity that the Freedom Front wasted money on an advert that essentially, offers no solutions as to the bigger picture in South Africa for the majority of voters who clearly don’t count but indulges instead in bad-mouthing the Democratic Alliance.

The problem, it seems, is that the Democratic Alliance has the audacity to include all of this country’s citizens in its planning and forward-thinking as regards the prosperity of the nation and the betterment of the lives of its people.

Once again, and not subtly at all, the advert’s divisive comments on the basis of colour, show that the Freedom Front + should actually be the Freedom Front- since the retrogressive statements promoted in the advertisement indicate a party in which the past is clearly more important than the future.

‘Together for Change’ and ‘Together for Jobs’ both slogans inextricably bound in their thinking, show the Democratic Alliance as a party, bold enough, to step into the future and all it challenges so that ‘together’, as a nation we can take a leap of faith by promoting sound policies in which all are accommodated. Viva Democratic Alliance!

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