Elections 2014News

From the Administrator’s desk

Arrangements for the upcoming election.

The municipality has an appointed Municipal Electoral Officer who is managing the preparations for the upcoming elections.

The Local Political Liaison Committee is functional and is meeting per its schedule to discuss matters related to the elections.
There are 105 voting districts in the municipality and 17 temporary voting stations.

All presiding officers for the voting stations have been appointed.

The Municipal Technical Team is assisting the IEC on the following issues:
• Ensuring that there is electricity in all voting stations: temporary voting stations will be provided with electricity through generators and where possible connections will be made from the closest electricity supply.
• Gravel Access Roads will be graded as from 22 April 2014.
• Grass cutting in the open spaces where Temporary Voting Stations are located has commenced.
• Water will be provided in all temporary voting stations.
• Mobile toilets will be provided in all voting stations.
• The infrastructure in permanent voting stations has been assessed and found to be adequate.
• The municipality will be providing extra lighting outside the voting stations as closure time will be 21:00.

Selected municipal clinics will be opened on the voting day.
Municipal consumers will be able to buy prepaid electricity on voting day.

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