White Rose holds a day for the family

Witbank hospice organizer, Taryn Dedekind, put together a fund raising event to raise money for an organization that is truly in dire straits.

White Rose Hospice Family Day was held on Saturday, April 5 at The Ridge Casino. Pieter Koen and The Campbells were paid, while other artist played for free.

A big thank you to Pieter Koen and The Campbells who came to eMalahleni for a reduced rate, they still went ahead and performed. They were great and hopefully will consider helping White Rose Hospice again in the future.

It is still unclear why there was a misunderstanding with the advertising of the time of the show. It is very obvious that it was well organized by all the people concerned especially the Ridge Casino, with the exception of the exact times of the performances which was most unfortunate.

Ms Dedekind, who on behalf of hospice tried her best to raise money, is devastated at the outcome.
During the day there were jumping castles, a fire engine, food and clothes stalls and various other entertainment for the family which should not have been affected by the advertising and still there was no support.

Ms Dedekind would like to thank all the sponsors and say thank you to the people who helped.
The Ridge Events Park (entire event sponsored); Pieter Pretorius (The Campbells sponsor/cash); Eyehtu Coal (Pieter Koen sponsor); Pro Audio (all sound and lighting); Emivista (cash sponsor); Ritchies Crane Hire (Cash sponsor); Talisman (generator); WITBANK NEWS (advertising); Witbank Fire Department (fire engines); Langamed Emergency Management (ambulance); Butterfly box (all décor); IPP Projects (cash sponsor) and Pregal Earth Moving (cash sponsor); both Witbank Spurs (kiddies entertainment), Highveld Mall (advertising), Boeremark (market of the day) and IDesign (photography).

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