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Roadworks may cause N4 delays this Easter

As concessionaires of the N4 Toll Route, Trans African Concessions (TRAC) is hard at work ahead of the Easter weekend. 

Starting in Pretoria, Gauteng and ending in Maputo, Mozambique, the N4 experiences extremely high volumes of traffic during the Easter period as thousands of holidaymakers and migrant workers use the route to reach destinations in Mpumalanga and Mozambique. The highest traffic volumes are expected on Thursday April 17 and Monday April 21 from 12:00 to 20:00.

In an effort to prevent traffic congestion, construction and maintenance work will cease throughout the route for the duration of the Easter Weekend. However, road users travelling to or from Malalane in the Lowveld should note that the Stop/Go between Nelspruit and that town will still be active. Although TRAC realises that this may cause some frustration to road users, we are unable to interrupt the Stop/Go at this delicate stage due to the nature of the construction works.

With the road infrastructure in need of structural improvement, TRAC initiated the reconstruction of the top 300mm of the road. This is usually done in sections of approximately six (6) kilometres which once broken up become non-trafficable until the work is completed.
Although it is always advisable to have temporary traffic bypasses available during such construction phases, this section of road (known to many as the Crocodile Gorge) is situated in an extremely challenging and difficult topographical area, making it impossible for the establishment of a temporary deviation. The Northern side of the mountain is unstable as it contains loose alluvial clayey material with huge boulders in it and also has a big, old irrigation canal parallel to the road and above it. On the southern side, close to the road, the topography drops vertically to the Crocodile River. To make matters worse, the road geometry is weaving and it has a steep vertical grade.

TRAC is well aware of the long delays sometimes experienced at this construction site, especially on Fridays and days preceding public and school holidays. However, due to the mentioned width restrictions, we are limited to providing one-way traffic through the Gorge during construction.

Given the current status quo of the construction phase, the best TRAC can do to minimize delays during the coming holiday season is to reduce the length of the Stop/Go. We will also work hand-in-hand with the SAPS, Emergency Services and the Lebombo Border Control Operational Co-ordinating Committee throughout the Easter weekend to ensure civil order is maintained and road regulations are obeyed at the Stop/Go and at the Lebombo Border post.  TRAC CEO, Graham Esterhuysen has urged road users to remain patient and understanding and to co-operate with all relevant authorities. “We sympathise with their desire to reach their destinations as soon as possible and therefore we advise them to plan their trips properly and efficiently and to consider alternative routes where possible.”

Road users are reminded and urged to make use of the TRACAssist service which is managed by the TRAC Helpdesk. All emergencies, incidents, accidents – or any other significant events on the N4 – can be reported to the Helpdesk on 0800 8722 64. This service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Road users are also invited to stay in touch with what is happening on the road through regular traffic updates on Twitter (@TRACN4Route).

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