Two groups fighting resulting in two injured

A fight between two groups in Vosman resulted in two people being injured.

One of the victims was shot and is recovering in hospital.

According to a witness, the fight started on Saturday, March 15 at about 20:00. It is said group members was sitting on either side of Graca Machel Street in Vosman, in a provocative manner. It is said when a man came passing by, he was asked why he was walking cutting between them, an argument ensued and it resulted in a fight, the man was assaulted and hit in his face with a bottle.

The following day the victim gathered his group and they went for a revenge mission, they found the other group and asked why they had assaulted their friend. Another fights ensued again on Sunday at about 14:00 between the two groups. Another member of the same group who was out for revenge, was shot in the left shoulder and he was seriously injured. A car was used to take him to hospital. Two cars were shot at during the fight. Police were called to the scene.

A community member said this is not the first time such an incident has happened in Vosman. “Another person was badly assaulted last year by the same group. The group is well known in Vosman because they always provoke fights. They are renting rooms in Vosman and they work for the same company. We are sick and tired of them and we are concerned about our safety and that of our children, because when they fight they just shoot randomly. Somebody is going to be killed by this group, unless they are stopped or chased out of Vosman, something needs to be done,” said a concerned resident.

Police said a witness brought empty cartridges to the station and they have opened a case of attempted murder but no one has been arrested yet. Investigation continues.

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