
Thieves steal from holy place

A church was robbed and the man who guards the building threatened with firearms.

The place is a sanctuary of hope and faith for many, but robbers who have no respect for this, came and violated the peace within the church.

Collen Mashaba was sitting inside the house, when he heard the iron sheet of the building being moved. He got up to investigate, but the robbers had already made their way into the house. Mashaba said both suspects pointed firearms at him and they demanded his cell phone and money from him. He also said that the language of communication of these suspects was sePedi. “They took my phone and made a call with it. I think they called other thieves because soon afterwards a car arrived outside,” said a shaken Mashaba.

After the transportation had arrived the suspects allegedly then took the church instruments and loaded them into the car. Mashaba said that he could not see the other suspects, but there were two more that arrived in the car, making them four in total. The suspects also took Mashaba’s phone as well as other two Nokia cell phones along with the church instruments. The value of the stolen items was estimated to be around R 32 000.

Mashaba said he was unable to see what kind of a car they were driving or even get a registration number from the car plates.

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