When will the trenches be fixed?

Trenches left for months not repaired

Many roads in various areas of eMalahleni have been left with trenches that have been dug up across roads that have never been tarred again.

A trench filled with soil in Xan Street in Del Judor where a water pipe burst open in November last year.

Driving in through potholes, around potholes and over trenches across the roads in eMalahleni has become the norm for most motorists.

Many residents are asking if the council repaired a burst pipe under the road, why can’t they re-tar the road once the problem has been fixed ?

For months now the trenches across the roads have been filled with soil, compacted and left as a job done.
In Fleur Avenue in Blanchville a trench was dug up across the road over two years ago. The problem was fixed and sand was thrown into the trench.

The majority of the soil in the trench has washed away, so now motorist drive through humps and dumps.
Last year June a water pipe burst open under the tar on the corner of Paul Sauer and Universe Street in Reyno Ridge. The pipe was repaired and heaps and heaps of sand were thrown into the trench across the whole road, flattened out, job then considered done and dusted.

Since then it has poured with rain and it has washed most of the soil away, but luckily there is one man that stands by this trench each and every day re-compacting it with soil, so that motorist can drive.

“Why can the council workers just not repair the road once the job was done? It would not take them that long to just tar up that stretch of the road,” said a resident in Reyno Ridge.

The newly dug up trench in Del Judor x4 in Engel Street.

In November last year a water pipe burst open in Xan Street in Del Judor, the road was cornered off and closed for a period of time while they fixed the problem.

Once the problem was repaired on the pipe, the heaps of soil that was placed on the sidewalks were thrown into the hole and flattened.

Since then residents in the area have been driving over the trench filled with sand.
The most recent trench that has been dug up across the road is in Del Judor x4 in Engel Street were a pipe was repaired.
Once again instead of getting bags of tar, the trench was fixed with soil.

The municipal spokesperson Mr Lebo Mofokeng was asked to comment about the trench situation and comment from him is still pending.

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