
It’s as easy as pushing a button

The number of thefts out of motor vehicles has soared to a whopping 32 in just seven days.

From Monday, February 10 to Monday, February 17, 32 thefts out of motor vehicles were reported, six cases were reported on Friday, February 14.

Police have narrowed down the targeted areas to the parking areas of Highveld Mall, Saveways Crescent Shopping Centre, Klipfontein Shopping Centre and the Central Business District.

Police caution the public to ensure that their vehicles are locked when they make use of a remote, “Make sure you car locks, listen for it and check that your hazards flash, also lift the handle,” said Capt Eddie Hall, Witbank Police communications.

The manner in which the thieves break into the vehicles is by using a remote to jam the signal of your car remote, you walk away from your vehicle pressing the remote thinking its locked, when in fact its not.

They then simply walk up to your car as if its their own, open the doors and take what ever they want from your vehicle, including your belongings you hide and your shopping bags.

Car guards seem oblivious to these thefts, but the question is raised, why would someone walk up to their car, take their shopping out and walk off?

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