
No guilt in stealing from church

The temple of God is a holy place which many view as sacred. It holds its own standards and cannot be tainted with the worldly acts of sin.

On Friday, January 24 when the service was scheduled to begin, in the early evening, the pastors received a surprise when they went to the church. On their arrival they discovered that the church had been broken into and some lighting cables had been stolen.

Pastor Leshaba said that they continued with their service none-the-less and decided that they will appoint someone to come and install burglar-proof bars in the windows.

The Lutheran Church in Lynville that was broken into on January 24
The Lutheran Church in Lynville that was broken into on January 24

After the service they went home only to return on Sunday. When they had arrived at the church on the Sunday, January 26 they discovered that whoever might have stolen the cables had returned to take what they could. The suspect or suspects went away with some church chairs and the doors. The Pastor said that he has no idea who might have done such a thing, to the church especially.

Neither the pastor nor  any other church members knows anything about the thief or thieves, or who it could have been. No one has been found and arrested for committing such a crime. Any help that the community might have with regards to this robbery, will be appreciated and people can promptly call the SAPS on 013 655 5000 to report what they might have seen.

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