New Year welcomes new Hospice Director

A new year brings a new hope for the White Rose Hospice. Last year, the eMalahleni community showed great camaraderie and stood together, opening hearts as well as wallets, to save our hospice.

The only ‘in-patient’ hospice in the entire Mpumalanga had survived the setbacks of the economy to continue providing an invaluable service to the community, as it has done for the past 11 years.

Pip Wolar, founder and previous director of the White Rose Hospice, had spent many sleepless nights since July 19, 2013 when a bank had refused the hospice a loan because of their Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) status. Wolar had turned to the community for help them, and even though it took a long time and many prayers, their call was at last answered by generous individuals, businesses and churches.

At the end of last year, Wolar handed over the reigns of the hospice to Ms Magda Esterhuizen, who will be acting as the new director.

Esterhuizen praised Wolar and the hospice’s staff for the dedication and their determination that kept them fighting for the hospice’s survival, even though the situation had at times seemed hopeless.

“It’s a start,” Esterhuizen had commented on the hospice’s currant financial position. At the end of last year, the outpour of support from the community had enabled the hospice to pay the staff members’ salaries and keep providing only the best care for their patients.
“We still need help, as the hospice’s future remains unsure,” Esterhuizen explained. “We still haven’t received anything from the LOTTO thus far, and are really still dependant on the donations from the community.”

Esterhuizen once again thanked each individual and business that had made a difference. “We were almost swamped with gifts and donations for our patients during Christmas time. We saw then how kind and generous the people in our community can be. If we could receive that kind of generosity throughout the year, the hospice would prosper.”

Esterhuizen and the staff aims to help the hospice to grow and become the first class facility it once was. “There is a lot of work to be done. The hospice is in need of paint and repairs,” Esterhuizen continued. “The roof needs to be replaced, where it is now leaking and the kitchen needs to be renovated.” The renovations are on the top of the hospice’s wish list, as it would enable them to house and provide for more patients.

Esterhuizen talks enthusiastically about an upcoming music festival in April, which would enable White Rose Hospice to raise more funds.

The hospice would like to thank the following for their generous contributions that helped the hospice find its feet again:
Lewende Woord Kerk, R&R Auto Electrical, Roepingsbond, Industrial Health – Ria Keen, Witbank Biking Community, Protea Hotel, Coenie Bernard, PFS. Cc & staff, Hair Impressions, Windmill Bakery, Marlie Pelser, Samantha Pather, Mr Nico Swart (for plants and electric works), Luzelle Santos, Witbank Coalfields, Bettie Meintjies, Charlene Ballard, Currie Transport, NG Kerk Witbank-Suid and Highveld Mall.

A very special thanks also goes to all the Anonymous donors, who gave to the hospice without expecting recognition and also to the following people and companies who gave great sums of money or/and contributes to the hospice on a monthly basis:
Fruit & Veg City, Metamorpha Kerk, CTC, Four Arrows Investments, Martin Engineering and Kwena Mining.

To find out how you could help keep the hospice going by donating or volunteering, contact 013 690 1292; Liezl Oosthuizen: 084 508 0609 or Magda Esterhuizen: 079 084 8743.

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