
Watch: Rollers are keeping cyclists fit

Currently, Patrice is training with the school team he coaches and he is keeping himself fit by doing his training with the other cyclists from eMalahleni

Many cyclists in eMalahleni the news of not being able to go out and cycle hit hard, but despite the lockdown, they have all got out their rollers or indoor trainers and are keeping fit.

WITBANK NEWS spoke to one cyclist who is doing everything in his willpower to keep himself and his school cycling team fit during this period.

Patrice Gautier is a well-known athlete in eMalahleni, if he is not at work or home with his family, it’s guaranteed that you will find him on his bicycle.

For Patrice and many of the other top cyclists in eMalahleni many races have been cancelled due to COVID-19 and some races have been rescheduled already and therefore they must keep fit as they are not sure when their next race will be.

Currently, Patrice is training with the school team he coaches and he is keeping himself fit by doing his training with the other cyclists from eMalahleni.

He has sent out a training programme to the cyclists in his school team, so every day they do a 20 minutes body workout and after that, they jump on the rollers for 45 minutes to an hour.

“I give them different exercises to do every day and the kids Whatsapp calls each other to keep things interesting and so that they can motivate each other during this time,” said Patrice.

They all connect to an app called Zwift and they can cycle against one another.

A big cycling race recently took place in Belgium and the competitors all took part in it using Zwift.

He continued to say; “another challenging aspect is that your stay on one-stop for an hour or two, even though you have done over 50km it does not feel like it as you are stationary.”

“I miss being on the road or outdoors in nature and the camaraderie that you get from other cyclists on the road when cycling together. Mentally it is very challenging, but I know this needs to be done and this to shall pass. I change my cycling spot in my garden for change of scenery,” said Patrice with a laugh.

Six cyclists from eMalahleni have entered the Maluti Double 90 which has been rescheduled for September so far.

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