
30 years imprisonment for Msiza

Eddy Babana Msiza (30) was sentenced to serve 30 years of imprisonment.

Eddy Babana Msiza (30) was sentenced to serve 30 years of imprisonment.

Msiza was convicted of armed robbery with aggravated circumstances on January 12 and found guilty of three counts of armed robbery and one count of kidnapping on June 15.

He was sentenced to serve 30 years imprisonment of the 50 year sentence which comprises of three 15 year sentences for armed robbery and a five year sentence for kidnapping.

According to the investigating officer, W/O PD ‘Zero’ Masango, Msiza commited the robberies on July 9, 2014 at MNS Informal Settlement.

“He was wearing a soldier’s uniform posing as a member of the SANDF he then robbed a number of households,” said W/O Masango.

During the robberies Msiza claimed to be searching for dagga and took monies from the victims in the robberies, he also kidnapped one of the victims.

“I want to commend the team that worked the case which resulted in a successful sentencing,” said W/O Masango.

He added that this sentence is a nice message to criminals that crime does in fact not pay.


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