
Man skins dog for new carpet

Community members were up in arms after a man killed his dog and skinned it apparently to use it to make a carpet.

Community members were up in arms after a man killed his dog and skinned it apparently to use it to make a carpet.

The afternoon of Sunday, February 6 saw the 34-year-old man’s house get uninvited guests.
This follows after police received a complaint from the radio room about a man that killed a dog at Klarinet, Extension three.

FN752a (blur out the body please)rs
The dog that was skinned by its owner at Klarinet Extension three on Sunday, February 5.

When police got to the scene they spoke to a woman who said the reason community members surrounded the yard was because her husband killed a dog. When police went to the back of the house they indeed found the dead animal.

Apparently the accused confirmed to have killed the dog allegedly stating that he wanted the skin to make a carpet and because it ate nine of its cubs. He was arrested. The SPCA visited the place to investigate what had happened.

Inside the bucket is the dog’s skin. A man from Klarinet Extension was arrested after killing the animal allegedly wanting to use the skin to make a carpet.

Manager of the SPCA, Miss Natalée Pretorius said they unfortunately cannot provide any comment at this point in time as they are concerned it will affect their case.

“We also cannot confirm that the skin was supposed to be used for a carpet, this is the first we are hearing of it.”

Hundreds dead, a foul stench
Dog stabbed

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