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WITBANK NEWS is picture perfect

WITBANK NEWS journalists showed that photography is as much a part of journalism as the story itself.

They did exceptionally well at the 2013 Caxton Awards held on Thursday, March 13 at the Johannesburg Civic Theatre.

Advertising representative, Annelie Erasmus received a highly commended certificate as runner-up in the category for small ads at the 2013 Caxton Awards.
Advertising representative, Annelie Erasmus received a highly commended certificate as runner-up in the category for small ads at the 2013 Caxton Awards.

The annual Caxton Awards celebrated its journalistic, sales, managerial and administrative talent from its local community newspapers on the 25th anniversary of the event. This year, 1 300 entries were received from around the country and over R200 000 was awarded in prize money.

The competition this year was described by many of the judges as being the toughest they have yet to judge, as all the entries were of such a high standard.

WITBANK NEWS journalist Clive Dorrington won the portraits category in the photography section with his photo: ‘Bad Santa’ with the following comments from the judges – “A unanimous judges’ favourite. The photographer captured the character of the subject in a subtle, yet striking way. The contradiction of a Santa with a cigarette adds to the appeal of the photograph. Well done Clive!”.

Also in the photography section Solly Maseko received a highly commended certificate for one of his feature photos. In the hard news photography category, two of Zita Goldswain’s photos and one of Samantha Triall’s photos were in the top 10 finalists.
Zita’s column: ‘In my eie ink geskryf’ was also nominated as one of the top seven in the columns category.

Advertising representative, Annelie Erasmus received a highly commended certificate as runner-up in the category for small ads.
CEO of Caxton’s Local Newspapers, Mr Bruce Sturgeon says: “Mirroring the growth of Caxton itself, from small beginnings the awards have grown into the spectacular event they are today. A key spin-off has been the improvement in excellence across the board. Well done to all our winners, we’re very proud of you.”

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